
How To Draw A Football Player

  1. ane

    Draw a stick figure of a soccer player in a boot position. Take note of joint locations.

  2. ii

    Add volume to your stick effigy.


  3. 3

    Depict his uniform. Commonly, it is a shirt and shorts. Depict the socks and shoes.

  4. iv

    Draw the details to the face up and hair. Sketch a soccer ball.

  5. 5

    Erase unnecessary lines.

  6. 6

    Color your cartoon.


  1. 1

    Depict a stick figure of your soccer player in guarding position. Take note of joint locations. Also retrieve that since he is the Goalkeeper, his stance should be slightly widened.

  2. 2

    Add volume to your stick figure.

  3. 3

    Describe the compatible. The meridian is unremarkably long sleeved. Draw socks that are knee length and soccer shoes.

  4. 4

    Draw the face and the easily. Make the easily thick because he is wearing gloves.

  5. 5

    Draw the hair and erase unnecessary lines.

  6. six

    Color your drawing.


  1. 1

    Using basic shapes, create a skeleton figure of your player and the brawl.

  2. 2

    Roughly sketch the details of the player and ball.

  3. 3

    Draw the effectively details that stand for the portrait, body, dress and the action of the effigy.

  4. 4

    Erase the crude sketch lines and finalize the details.


  1. 1

    Using basic shapes, create a skeleton figure of your player and the ball.

  2. 2

    Roughly sketch the details of the player and ball.

  3. 3

    Draw the finer details that stand for the portrait, trunk, clothes and the action of the effigy.

  4. iv

    Erase the rough sketch lines and finalize the details.


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    How practice I draw Mbappe?

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    Observe a picture of him in Google Image Search and employ that as a reference for your picture.

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Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser
  • Colored pencils

Nearly This Article

Article Summary X

To draw soccer players, start by lightly sketching stick figures to get the basic lines downwards on paper, then add together book to the figures. Next, sketch in uniform details to demonstrate the position of each figure, such equally giving a goalkeeper knee joint length socks and gloves. And then, add the finer details, like the pilus and facial expressions. Lastly, erase any unnecessary lines and add colour to your drawing! For tips on adding other details that demonstrate a player'south position, read on!

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